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Sponsored Readathon!

This week you will all have received a sponsorship form for our Readathon which is taking place over Half Term. We are holding this event to encourage a love of reading and raise money for our exciting new reading books!

To take part, children can read any books they want or spend time being read to by parents, family & friends. Please do remember that some children will read much longer books and will therefore for read less amount of books during the Readathon. Children should record their reading in their Reading Record Books.

Sponsorship money raised can be returned to school after half term - Cash in sealed named envelopes please - or you can pay your sponsorship in through your Arbor Account. Look for ‘School Shop’ at the bottom of your main dashboard when you log in - you can pay in increments of £1, £5 & £10.


We hope you will all support our Readathon so that all our children have more books to read, share & enjoy!