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We have a focus on three core strategic functions:
 ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational
    performance of the school and the children, their safety
    and the performance management of staff;
c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and
    making sure it's money is well spent.



Setting vision, ethos & strategic direction
We have to ensure the the school has a medium to long term vision for it's future - which is spelt out in the vision statement. We also have to ensure that there is a robust strategy in place for achieving this vision. This strategy address the fundamental questions of: where are we now, where do we want to e and how are we going to get there. This includes giving consideration to the type of school which would offer the best opportunities for achieving future aims.

Our foundation governors, who are appointed by the Church, have a special role in preserving and developing the ethos of the school, including its Church of England character. They must also ensure the school is conducted in accordance with the foundation governing documents.

Holding the Headteacher to account

One of the most significant decisions a governing body makes is the selection and appointment of the Headteacher. For most governors, such a decision may be a rare event, perhaps taken only once during their term in office. It is therefore essential that governing bodies are well prepared for this.


As governors, we support and strengthen the Headteacher's leadership and hold her to account for the day to day running of the school, including the performance management of staff. Governing bodies play a strategic role and avoid routine involvement in operational matters. We focus strongly on holding the Headteacher to account for exercising their professional judgement in these matters and all of their other duties.

Overseeing financial management

Governing bodies are responsible for making sure their school's money is well spent. We do this by making sure that we have governors with specific skills and experience of financial matters and by asking questions such as:

a. Are we allocating our resources in line with our strategic priorities?

b. Are we making full use of all our assets and efficient use of all our financial resources?

c. Are other schools buying things cheaper or getting better results with less spending per child?

d. How can we get better value for money from our budget?


Finance & Personnel

Geoff Strack

Kate Johnston-Grant

Revd David Aplin

Beth Hugill


Premises and Health & Safety

Kate Johnston-Grant

Revd David Aplin
(H&S Governor)

Beth Hugill

Teaching & Learning

Geoff Strack
(Sports Premium)

Beth Hugill

Kate Johnston-Grant
Ann Goddard


Geoff Strack
Kate Johnston-Grant

Performance Management

Geoff Strack

Complaints & Discipline

Governing Body

Data Protection Officers
Revd D. Aplin            admin@stnicholas610.herts.sch.uk



Read about our Governors HERE

Geoff Strack Revd. David Aplin Dr Ann Goddard
Kate Johnston-Grant Karren Fielding Beth Hugill
Malcolm Calaby Lucy Matley Amy Hayes

No Governors have any business interests relevant to the school.
No Governors or members of their families have any relationship with members of the school staff
Geoff Strack is also a Governor at other local Primary Schools

Name Term Attendance


Chair of Governors

15.01.2018 - 16.01.2026 7/8
DAVID APLIN 12.05.2015 - 23.06.2023 5/7
KATE JOHNSTON-GRANT 20.07.2009 - 19.07.2025 8/9
BETH HUGILL 13.09.2021 - 12.09.2025 8/9
ANN GODDARD 16.01.2021 - 15.01.2025 5/7
KARREN FIELDING 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2023 2/7
MALCOLM CALABY 03.03.2023 - 28.02.2027



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